Category: year3


In PSHE we have been developing our team working skills. We had to find our teams by finding out who had the missing pieces to our puzzle in order to complete our picture. We then were given a plate, piece of foil, Pritt stick, scissors, a lolly pop stick and two pieces of Sellotape and …

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In Science we have been investigating plants. We looked at the roots and the different parts which make up a plant. We used a magnifying glass to help us investigate. We then had to draw a detailed picture of what we had seen.

Building Towers

In PSHE we worked on our team work. We learnt all about the importance of good communication and working together. We learnt about listening to each other and taking it in turns to share our ideas. We had to build the biggest tower we could from six sheets of paper and Sellotape. The tower had …

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Year 3 Parent Activity

During our Parent Session we used our atlas to locate places in Ancient Greece.  We discussed why they settled in Greece and where Greece is located in Europe.  We identified which seas surround Greece and which countries borders it.

Year 3 Celtic Harmony Camp

We visited Celtic Harmony Camp.  We took part in a range of activities such as making bread and weaving.