Category: year6

OAA Science

During OAA week we completed an investigation into paper aeroplanes. We thought about different questions we could investigate relating to paper planes, for example: Do larger planes fly further? Do heavier planes fly shorter distances? How does the size of the wings impact the distance the plane will fly? Each group designed their own investigation …

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Reading to their reading buddies

Class 6 had a lovely end to the week reading to their buddies. They enjoyed reading the books with lots of expression and trying to keep the receptions engaged in the story.

Components of the blood activity

Year 6 have been learning about the human circulatory system. Today, they used plasticine to create  a model of blood sample in a petri dish. They used white plasticine to create the two different types of white blood cells, red plasticine for the erythrocytes (red blood cells), coloured water for the blood plasma and small …

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Camp Out

Class 6 really enjoyed the camp out at the weekend. They enjoyed lots of different activities and were able to spend some time with their class mates outside of a usual school day. Firstly, we set up our camp, put up our tents and sorted out a cosy place to sleep. Later, Ms Burns lit …

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Science at The Ryde School 2021 – 2022

For Science day, Class 6 investigated which biscuit was the best for dunking. They created their own investigation and recorded their experiment in groups. They the created clear scatter graphs to record their results and feedback what they had found out         How fast is your resting heart rate? How does this …

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Heart Rate parent activity

We invited our parents into school to complete a science activity with us.  We were investigating how exercise affects our bodies, specifically our heart rate.  To make it a fair test, we could choose one variable to change, either the type of exercise completed or how long the exercise is completed for. Once the exercise …

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OAA Week

During Outdoor and Adventurous week (OAA week) 2022, we enjoyed taking part in many different activities which challenged our problem solving, creative thinking, fine and gross motor and teamwork skills. Some of our favourite activities from the week included: perspective photography den building campfire cooking nature sculptures fire lighting making our own Tudor potpourri bags …

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Animation Nation

One of our favourite workshops this year was the opportunity to create stop motion animations. This process took a number of different steps to complete.       Stage 1) Planning our animation on a storyboard template. In our groups, we thought carefully about the short animation story we wanted to create. We then planned …

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Design and Technology – Gingerbread Houses

This term in design and technology, we have made gingerbread houses. We began the unit by learning about the origin of gingerbread and decorated gingerbread from the Tudors. We researched and created our own designs, before using templates to create a prototype. We then worked collaboratively and safely to follow a recipe, carefully measuring our …

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In the Autumn term, Mrs Ramsdale (the chair of governors) came to school over 2 separate weeks and completed our bikeability training with us. The first week was spent on the playground, learning how to check our bikes, use hand signals as well as other skills including changing speed and direction. The second week, she …

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