Year 5 were extremely excited to visit the Imperial War Museum Duxford to further extend their learning about events and conditions during World War Two. They were eager to see, and go inside, a real-life Anderson shelter and were surprised by just how small they were! The children were really drawn to all of the …
Category: year5
Nov 08
PSHE – NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe Workshop
The children were visited by the NSPCC to discuss the various different worries that children their age may have, and who or where they could go to in order to gain support. The workshop raised their awareness of different problems they may face and different forms of abuse that some children may suffer from. It …
Nov 06
Science – STEM Exploring Materials Workshop
Year 5 felt very lucky to have a fantastic interactive visit from STEMPOINT to explore the properties of materials. The children split into four groups to complete a carousel of exciting and engaging experiments. They explored liquid density by creating their own version of a lava lamp, they investigated chromatography by separating pen inks, they …
Oct 25
Computing – Physical Programming – micro:bit Rock, Paper, Scissors game
Year 5 have been exploring Physical Programming by learning to programme a mini computer called a micro:bit, using the Microsoft MakeCode editor. The children learnt to use block coding to programme an algorithm, using the input of the micro:bit’s accelerometer (on shake) and an ‘if/else’ logic block to select at random whether a rock, paper …
Oct 09
Sensory Tea Tasting
Year 5 started off their new English writing unit, on ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys’ by Mal Peet, with a sensory analysis involving smelling and tasting different sorts of tea. They smelt the dry leaves before tasting the three different varieties and grades of tea; Assam, English Breakfast and Earl Grey. The children worked as a class …
Jul 08
First Aid Workshop
First Aid is part of Year 5 PSHE Curriculum, and to support the theory learning in class we had a practical workshop too. The trainer introduced us to DR ABC (Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation) as a way to remember what to do if we come across an accident. They also told the class …
Mar 26
Production of Porridge
This term, Year 4 and Year 5 performed a musical play called ‘Porridge’. We especially enjoyed learning the songs and dances as they were catchy and fun to sing. We had to work really hard to learn all our lines as well as when to come on and off the stage. Our parents enjoyed coming …
Mar 25
Dance Festival
Year 4 and 5 were offered the opportunity to take part in a local dance festival at the Campus West Theatre. They used their dance lessons to create and learn a routine around the theme of the Olympics and chose to dance to the music ‘Chariots of Fire’. They loved the experience of performing on …
Mar 21
Year 5 Parent Forest School activity
Year 5 parents and carers joined the class for two activities focusing on trees. One was to plant tree saplings donated by the Woodland Trust of rowan, wild cherry and silver birch along the field edge to increase biodiversity of the trees in that area of the school grounds. The second activity was estimating the …
Mar 11
The National Gallery
Year 5 enjoyed their educational visit to the National Gallery in London. After a coach trip in, past lots of sights, the group eventually arrived in Trafalgar Square. On entering the National Gallery they got to appreciate many famous and priceless artworks in the flesh. The children were excited to see the different sizes, styles …