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Subject Lead: Mrs P Quinn

French Curriculum 2023-2024

Exploring French at The Ryde School

Pupils at The Ryde School begin to use the Language Angels interactive schemes of work in
Key Stage Two from Year Three upwards. The scheme shows a clear progression of skills in
listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar which the pupils build upon as they move
through Key Stage Two. This is outlined in the Language Angels progression map which also
shows how the teaching and learning of French moves from Early Language teaching to
intermediate teaching and on to progressive teaching if appropriate challenge is needed.

Year 3

Topic- J’apprends le francais/ I am learning French

The pupils in Year Three began their French language journey in the Autumn term with the topic “ J’apprends le francais”  to introduce them to the French language and provided cross curricular links with the Geography curriculum. This topic was taught using a variety of interactive power points, games, songs and worksheets that included:

  • How to pinpoint France on a map of the world and label cities on a map of France.
  • How to ask and answer the question ‘How are you?’ in French.
  • How to say ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ in French.
  • How to ask and answer the question ‘What is your name?’ in French
  • How to count to ten in French.
  • How to say ten colours in French.

Topic- Les salutations/Greetings

This topic was taught using a variety of interactive power points, games, songs and worksheets that included how to:

  • Say ‘hello’ (formally and informally).
  • Say their name.
  • Ask how somebody is feeling and give a reply.
  • Say ‘goodbye’ and ‘see you soon’.

Year 4

Year 4 have been learning about Roman gods and goddesses in their French lessons.

Here are some photos of work that they completed for the topic.

Year 4 also learnt about the differences between the rich and the poor people in Roman society.


Topic- Les forms/Shapes

During the first part of the Autumn term, the pupils in Year 4 learnt about shapes using a variety of interactive power points, games, songs and worksheets that included:

  • How to name and recognise up to 10 shapes in French
  • How to spell some of these nouns
  • How to recognise that nouns are commonly associated with an article in French and in this case ‘UN’ or ‘UNE’.

Pupils also had the opportunity to learn and/or revise numbers 1-5.

This topic provided cross- curricular links with the maths curriculum.

Below are some examples of pupil self-assessment.

Topic- En classe/ In the classroom

During the second part of the Autumn term, the pupils in Year 4 learnt about familiar classroom objects in the classroom. This topic included:

  • How to remember and recall 12 classroom objects with their indefinite article/determiner.
  • How to replace an indefinite article/determiner with a possessive adjective.
  • How to say and write what they have and do not have in their pencil case.


Above are some example of a Language Angels listening activity in Year 4.

Year 5

The children enjoyed playing interactive games on the whiteboard using the Language Angels materials. The game shown in the photos helps with pronunciation.

They also worked on learning numbers up to 100 in French.

The children produced French identity cards which have been displayed in the classroom to be referred to when needed.

Year 6

In the summer term Year 6 enjoy learning about food and drink and set up a French café to celebrate the end of term and also their time at The Ryde School.

In the Spring term, Year 6 learnt about different habitats in their French lessons. They used a variety of interactive games from The Language Angels scheme to secure their knowledge of the French language.

Key vocabulary is displayed and referred to regularly in French lessons.