- Curriculum Information Year 5 Spring 2025 (132.38KB)
- Curriculum Information Year 5 Autumn 2024 (135.76KB)
- Curriculum Information Year 5 Spring 2024 (137.17KB)
- Year 5 Objective Map - Maths Curriculum (56.39KB)
- Year 5 Maths Information for Parents (115.04KB)
- Year 5/6 Reading Information for Parents (517.24KB)
Learning Links
Maths |
Englishhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/english-ks2–ks3-shakespeare-in-shorts/zjyhrj6 |
Science |
Computing |
Art |
Historyhttps://www.iwm.org.uk/history/watch-online-duxford-in-depth |
Nov 152024
Visit to IWM Duxford
Year 5 were extremely excited to visit the Imperial War Museum Duxford to further extend their learning about events and conditions during World War Two. They were eager to see, and go inside, a real-life Anderson shelter and were surprised by just how small they were!
The children were really drawn to all of the WWII planes in the ‘Battle of Britain’ hangar and interested to find out more details about them and their impact in the war. Through an on-site workshop, they used this newfound knowledge to create their own documentaries on what particularly interested them.
Year 5 were also enthralled by the 4D ‘1940s Operations Room’ where they got to experience first-hand how it would have felt to see the ‘Dowding System’, of reporting sightings of Nazi plane positions and scrambling Allied fighter planes in response, in action.
Nov 082024
PSHE – NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe Workshop
The children were visited by the NSPCC to discuss the various different worries that children their age may have, and who or where they could go to in order to gain support.
The workshop raised their awareness of different problems they may face and different forms of abuse that some children may suffer from. It also focused on who their safe adults could be, as well as some charities that could help to support children through their worries, including Childline.
This workshop linked well with the work the children have already done, in both PSHE and Internet Safety, and the class asked pertinent questions as well as making some excellent comments and suggestions throughout.
Nov 062024
Science – STEM Exploring Materials Workshop
Year 5 felt very lucky to have a fantastic interactive visit from STEMPOINT to explore the properties of materials.
The children split into four groups to complete a carousel of exciting and engaging experiments. They explored liquid density by creating their own version of a lava lamp, they investigated chromatography by separating pen inks, they created and captured carbon dioxide by mixing vinegar and bicarbonate of soda and they experimented on the hardness of different materials.
Oct 252024
Computing – Physical Programming – micro:bit Rock, Paper, Scissors game
Year 5 have been exploring Physical Programming by learning to programme a mini computer called a micro:bit, using the Microsoft MakeCode editor.
The children learnt to use block coding to programme an algorithm, using the input of the micro:bit’s accelerometer (on shake) and an ‘if/else’ logic block to select at random whether a rock, paper or scissors would be shown.
They really enjoyed downloading their finished codes onto the micro:bits and playing against one another!
Oct 092024
Sensory Tea Tasting
Year 5 started off their new English writing unit, on ‘Cloud Tea Monkeys’ by Mal Peet, with a sensory analysis involving smelling and tasting different sorts of tea.
They smelt the dry leaves before tasting the three different varieties and grades of tea; Assam, English Breakfast and Earl Grey.
The children worked as a class to fill in a sensory analysis grid, using precise adjectives to describe the look, smell, taste and feel of the assortment of teas.
Jul 082024
First Aid Workshop
First Aid is part of Year 5 PSHE Curriculum, and to support the theory learning in class we had a practical workshop too.
The trainer introduced us to DR ABC (Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing and Circulation) as a way to remember what to do if we come across an accident. They also told the class what information to give to the Emergency Services on 999 or 112.
We covered a lot of information in the hour workshop and the photos below show us learning how to put someone in the recovery position.
We also learnt how to give CPR – using dummies to practice giving the chest compression which are part of CPR.
Mar 262024
Production of Porridge
This term, Year 4 and Year 5 performed a musical play called ‘Porridge’. We especially enjoyed learning the songs and dances as they were catchy and fun to sing. We had to work really hard to learn all our lines as well as when to come on and off the stage. Our parents enjoyed coming to watch it as much as we enjoyed performing it!
Mar 252024
Dance Festival
Year 4 and 5 were offered the opportunity to take part in a local dance festival at the Campus West Theatre. They used their dance lessons to create and learn a routine around the theme of the Olympics and chose to dance to the music ‘Chariots of Fire’.
They loved the experience of performing on a real stage and the experience of being backstage.
Mar 212024
Year 5 Parent Forest School activity
Year 5 parents and carers joined the class for two activities focusing on trees.
One was to plant tree saplings donated by the Woodland Trust of rowan, wild cherry and silver birch along the field edge to increase biodiversity of the trees in that area of the school grounds.
The second activity was estimating the age of at least one of the mature trees on the field near the wild area.
Each group chose a tree and used their prior knowledge to name the tree species. They then used a calculation based on the girth measurement of the trees and an average tree growth of 2.5cms per year.
Having calculated the estimated age of the tree, they then worked out when the tree might have been planted or when the seed germinated and considered what events were happening at that time in history when the tree was beginning to grow.
Mar 112024
The National Gallery
Year 5 enjoyed their educational visit to the National Gallery in London. After a coach trip in, past lots of sights, the group eventually arrived in Trafalgar Square. On entering the National Gallery they got to appreciate many famous and priceless artworks in the flesh.
The children were excited to see the different sizes, styles and levels of detail that different artists had used and to learn about the stories behind some of the famous artworks from our resident art expert Mrs Thompson.
After a slightly grey lunch sitting out by the infamous Trafalgar Square fountains, the children had a chance to climb on the plinth of Nelson’s Column before heading back inside to soak up some more of our capital’s culture before heading home.
Mar 082024
Forest School and Science Activity
Year 5 have been very lucky to have enjoyed forest school this term. Not one to waste a learning opportunity, Mrs Sutton decided to combine Forest School and Science, by making good use of the camp fire.
The children have been building on their previous knowledge of materials and have been looking at reversible and irreversible changes. So, putting the campfire to good use, the children investigated which changes would be reversible or irreversible through burning, mixing and heating. The children burnt wood, paper and cardboard. They then looked at melting chocolate and marshmallows, both independently and combined, to discover the effects, as well as popping popcorn.
They were also joined by Mrs Thompson to help us investigate whether mixing and cooking pancake mix was reversible and of course check out her pancake flipping skills!
Dec 112023
Class 5 have been very busy coding in computing this term. First they learnt how to code the micro:bit, the children learnt how to use create an algorithm to turn the micro:bit into a graphical dice. They had to create their own programme and design their own LED outputs to represent different digits. Some of Class 5 even challenged themselves to represent all the digits 0-9!
To continue their coding work, Class 5 then used Scratch to create their own interactive quizzes based on some of the learning they have done during the term. Children chose to quiz each other on fractions, space, the water cycle and WWII.
Dec 012023
Brass Concert
Over the past 12 months, Class 5 have been learning, practising and preparing with their brass instruments. Initially they were practising in their three separate groups (two cornet and one baritone) and gradually integrated to create a brass orchestra. The children have worked so hard and finally all their determination paid off culminating in a wonderful and inspiring performance to Class 5 parents and Class 4. Class 5 parents were rightfully proud of the incredible achievements of their children in just one year and Class 4 found the experience aspirational, as it will be their turn next!
Nov 082023
Romeo and Juliet
Class 5 were lucky enough to take part in an interactive drama workshop based on William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Together with Class 6, the children played some of the parts and there were lots of conversations sparked about the themes and language used in the play. The workshop left the class enthused about studying the play further and they were able to create some brilliant story poems and their own versions of the story.