Subject Lead: Mrs E Martindale
- Art and Design Curriculum Overview (718.45KB)
- Art and Design Vocabulary Guide (591.59KB)
- Art and Design Progression of Skills (844.91KB)
- Art and Design at The Ryde School (227.56KB)
Art and Design Curriculum
- Art and Design Curriculum (522.54KB)
Exploring Art and Design at The Ryde School
Art and Design Autumn 2023
This term has been a fantastic one for Art around the Ryde. Every class has worked really hard on their art project and explored lots of different skills, including: calligraphy, illustration, collage, scaled drawing and the golden ratio work. There are some fantastic art displays around the school and the children are incredibly proud of their final pieces.
Year 1
Year 1 used Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s ‘Autumn’ painting as a starting point for their work developing their sketching skills. Discussion around the painting was in depth and the children gave lots of insightful ideas. They worked on a number of skills including: Showing pattern and texture by adding dots and lines, responding to ideas and starting points and sketching using different thickness pencils.
Take One Picture: A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas by Claude-Joseph Vernet
The children thought the soundscape was fantastic! They were inspired by the variety of sounds they could hear and came up with lots of incredible ideas. There was a wonderful opportunity for vocabulary building. The children also got the chance to explore brushes and types of paint for different effects.
Year 2
Take One Picture: A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas by Claude-Joseph Vernet
We began by listening to a soundscape and looking at parts of this painting as a class. The children shared their ideas on what they thought the whole painting looked like. This worked really well, and the children were surprised when they saw the whole painting. It allowed them to focus on parts in more detail. The children enjoyed looking at the painting ‘Calm’ and making comparisons to the first painting. This generated good discussion. Practicing collage skills helped the children with their final piece as they had developed skills and ideas on what worked well.
Children thoroughly enjoyed this topic. They investigated how dyes worked together and how colours could be created and changed. They had an opportunity to do lots of experimenting with dyes and different materials. They were very pleased with their final piece – a tie-dyed t-shirt.
Year 3
The children really enjoyed using the different types of pencils when sketching and finding out that there are different ‘grades’ of pencils. The ‘Sketching My Shoe’ was really successfully and made them think about what sketching involved. They thought it was fun when using the mirrors to help sketch themselves and most were really pleased with their final piece.
Take One Picture: A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas by Claude-Joseph Vernet
The children loved listening to the soundscape and discussing what they thought they might see in the painting. They enjoyed being detectives gleaning information from seeing just parts of the painting before the ‘big’ reveal. The children enjoyed the colour mixing activity and used what they had found out when painting their final piece. They enjoyed painting on a piece of wood and were very good at understanding they were representing something from the painting, but not copying it.
Year 4
The children looked at photography and took images from different perspectives. They discussed what was successful about each perspective and how it might be used.
Take One Picture: A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas by Claude-Joseph Vernet
The children really enjoyed exploring the picture and the different aspects of it. They really thought about what questions could link to the picture. They thought about the emotions it created and used different materials to express this. They enjoyed creating their weaving and learning to do a simple stitch. The children then used these skills to think about their final piece.
Year 5
Digital Art
Using their photography skills to take photographs using the rule of three. They then used a photo editing software to create a self – portrait using layers of colour and their original photograph. The results were very effective.
Take One Picture: A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas by Claude-Joseph Vernet
The class spent time looking at A Shipwreck on Stormy Seas. They brainstormed key themes from the painting, including: light and dark, good and evil, weather and emotion. The class choose to focus on light and dark as a theme and paintings inspired by parts of the Take One Picture.
Year 6
Investigating Shapes in the Jungle
The class have worked hard on their sketching skills. They have built on previous years, and created sketches from secondary sources focusing on shapes you would find in the jungle, including: leaves, vines, negative space and organic shapes.
Take One Picture: A Shipwreck in Stormy Seas by Claude-Joseph Vernet
The class built on their water colour skills to create a painting inspired by A Shipwreck on Stormy Seas. They used colour washes and colouring mixing to create their final pieces.