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Year 2

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Summer term 2023 Forest School sessions

During Forest School sessions the children have chosen new and challenging activities to explore and engage with as well as revisiting those enjoyed in past years. The photos below show a selection of the range of activities during the term.

  • Learning how to use new hand tools like hand drill and practice hammer skills in creative activities of Hapa zome
  • Exploring the wild area and getting close up to trees
  • Our campfires are always an exciting and yummy time
  • The pretend marshmallows in clay after the fire are good for role play too
  • Skills in sculpting with clay and natural objects have unique results
  • Den building and learning how to put up the tipi as shelters
  • Play with mud and water is popular too

The class  continue to extend their knowledge of plants and animals in the school grounds and are getting very good at bird identification and recognising bird calls.

It was lovely to have parents and carers join us for a Forest School session when the children were able to share some of their favourite activities with their grown ups.

The pupils have enjoyed three trips to The Dell woodland next to school this term – each time they have done a litter pick to help keep the space clean and safe for people in the locality and the animals who live there.

  • Science Parent Activity

    In class we have been learning about materials, their properties and how suitable they are for different purposes. We invited our parents in to help us investigate the best material to make tea bags from.

    We made our predictions and designed our investigation. We kept the amount of tea in each bag the same and only changed the material. Most of us thought that the paper towel would not make a good tea bag because it would soak up too much water and fall apart letting all the loose tea out. We also predicted the tin foil would make a terrible tea bag because it is waterproof. Most of us predicted the felt would be the best material.

    After our experiment we reflected on what we had learnt and the best option for tea bag material was… paper towel!

  • Trip to Hatfield Library

    In Year 2 we walked to our local library in Hatfield. We learnt all about what the library has to offer. You can borrow up to 30 books from a library at a time and keep them for 3 weeks. There are also audio books and ebooks you can borrow too. The library runs story club and lego sessions too which sounded amazing!

    Today we all joined the library with our very own library card and chose a book to borrow to take home and share with our family.

    Lots of us are very excited to return with our family!

  • Pirate Day

    In Year 2 we have been learning about the life of pirates. We spent the day with a real pirate captain learning about how pirates would communicate with flags and what pirates considered to be treasure; it was not really gold they were after! Herbs and spices were much more valuable to pirates. Being a pirate was a hard job with lots of work to be done cleaning and looking after the ship. Did you know pirates had a strict bed time of 8pm?

    We also learnt pirate sea shanties and were able to make eye patches and flags. Everyone had a go at making dice to play pirate games, some of us were scallywags and made trick dice to help us win, but no gambling was allowed on board the ship.

  • Lee Valley Habitat Discovery Day

    Our class trip to Lee Valley was an exciting adventure where we explored terrestrial habitats and a freshwater habitat. We engaged in a range of activities that allowed us to observe, identify and learn about different minibeasts and their habitat. Pond dipping was the highlight of our trip, we used our net to carefully catch the minibeasts and observed them under magnifying glasses. We caught a newt, snails and tadpoles. We also explored terrestrial habitats and searched under logs, among long grass and in the crevices of rocks. We found spiders, grasshoppers and beetles. We played the ‘needs of life’ game that taught us what animals need to survive and how hard it can be for minibeasts to survive predators. We enjoyed asking questions to find out more and sharing the things we already knew about different habitats.

  • Science Day

    On Science Day we enjoyed completing an investigation about paper aeroplanes and exploring plant habitats around the world. We made aeroplanes from card and paper to explore which material would make the best aeroplane. Once outside, we measured the distance each plane travelled in metres. To ensure a fair test, we used the same size of material, made the same type of aeroplane and started in the same place. In the afternoon we read the book ‘Hug Me’ by Simona Ciraolo and considered the habitat of a cactus. We imagined what would happen if a cactus was placed in a different environment and wrote a diary entry in role, explaining why the habitat would not be right. This engaging day allowed us to apply our scientific skills and develop our scientific thinking.

  • Ark Farm

    During our farm visit, we learnt how the animals are cared for, the food they eat and what they produce. We had the opportunity to pet and groom the animals and ask questions to find out more. We enjoyed stroking the animals and identifying similarities and differences between them.

  • Maths Day

    During our Year 2 maths day, we immersed ourselves in the world of shapes and patterns. We read the book ‘The Perfect Fit’ by Naomi Jones, which tells the story of a triangle struggling to fit in with other shapes. Through discussions, we explored the reasons behind the triangle’s challenges. After reading the book, we delved deeper into 2D shapes and discovered the concept of tessellation. Using the shapes, we created our own tessellations by tracing around the shapes and arranging them to form patterns. This engaging activity allowed us to deepen our understanding of shapes and patterns.

    “Triangles are too pointy” – Mirabel

    “A circle has one curved side and a triangle does not” – Daniel V

    “A triangle has 3 vertices but a circle has none” – Dragos

    Tessellation is when the shapes fit together with no gaps” – Maddie

  • Outdoor Classroom Day

    On 18th  May 2023 we took part in Outdoor Classroom Day. In Year 2, we linked this to our learning on measurement. We went outside and measured the length of natural objects in cm, remembering to always start at zero. We recorded our results and were able to put the objects in order from longest to shortest.

  • Design and Technology – Puppet Making

    This term in Design and Technology we have been making hand puppets. We started by exploring a range of puppets and discussing their features and what materials they are made from. In our second lesson we explored ways of joining material. Using the template provided, we worked with fabric to create, make and decorate a finger puppet. We then moved on to learn different sewing techniques that we could use when making our final piece. We learnt to do a running stitch, over stitch and sew on a button. In our final lessons we designed our own hand puppet using the skills we had learnt and then carefully followed our design to create our hand puppet.

  • Internet Safety Day

    On the 7th February 2023 we celebrated Internet Safety Day. This year’s theme was ‘Want to Talk About It?’. We started by interviewing our friends within the class to find out about their favourite things to do online. This kickstarted our conversations about how amazing technology and the internet are and all the things we can do online. We then read the story of ‘Hanni and the Magic Window’ and discussed how the internet isn’t perfect and sometimes people use it in ways that are unkind or unsafe. We thought about adults both inside and outside of school who we trust that we could talk to if something doesn’t quite feel right online.

    Simphiwe – “I enjoyed the story about Hanni and the Magic Window. We can get better if we talk about it”.

    Anna – “I know that if I see something upsetting online, I must tell an adult because they can make it go away.”