Category: year3

Rocks and Fossils workshop

On Tuesday 4th February, Year 3 had a special visit from Dr Helen at Palaeoquest. The visit linked to our science learning this year. She began by telling us all about the different Rocks; igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. She showed us some of the rocks from her impressive collection. After that, she explained what a …

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Year 3 Parent Activity

Grandpa and I bent willow into a circle then wrapped ivy and holly around it. I added wooden decorations too – Emmy I added some pinecones to make my wreath look nice – Armani-Mae My mum and I wrapped ivy and pinecones around the willow to make a Christmas wreath. I wrapped blue wool to …

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Year 3 Forest School – Autumn Term 2024

Here we are enjoying Forest School. So far this term we have … Made bows and arrows Made a dream catcher Drilled holes in wood to make a figure Used an apple picker Built dens Swung in a hammock Comments from the children: I have enjoyed making clay models using things from nature. I have …

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Visit to The Dell

As part our English learning on poetry, we have been exploring ‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright. To help stimulate our writing we went on a sensory walk to the Dell. Whilst we were there we collected items for our own magic box including sights, sounds and physical objects. Once we returned to school we …

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Henry Moore Foundation

As part of our art learning this term on digital media and sculpture, we have been learning about Henry Moore so we went to visit his gardens and studios to learn more. We had a guided tour where the guide was very impressed with our knowledge and thoughts about Moore’s abstract sculptures. Then we used …

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Forest School Parent Activity

Today we invited our grown-ups to join us at Forest School. We … Built dens Swung in a hammock Climbed trees Made bows and arrows Used the secateurs to cut the willow Drilled holes in wood to make a pendent Made chocolate (mud!) cakes Made willow crowns Made a bird nest Went mini-beast hunting and …

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Fossil Workshop

This week, Dr. Helen led a fascinating Fossil Workshop in our Science lesson. The workshop provided an engaging, hands-on experience for the children, allowing them to learn about the various types of rocks and categorise them effectively. This interactive approach to learning has significantly improved their knowledge retention and understanding of the subject matter.

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On World Book Day Oskar read us a Polish version of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ which was very different to the English versions we had heard before. Oskar taught us some key words from the story such as witch, sweets, father and mother in Polish. We then read the story in English adding in our new …

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Celtic Harmony

Year 3 have been enjoying learning about pre-history, Stone Age – Bronze Age – Iron Age, this year. For our school trip we went to Celtic Harmony so we could travel back and experience a day of art in these eras. First we studied events on a timeline then we went into a replica of …

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A Scarecrow’s Christmas

Year 1, 2 and 3 put on their Christmas Performance. It was full!  Everyone was there! We danced with the scarecrow while we were dressed up as white and grey polar bears.  Year 2 were yellow ducks and Year 1 were shiny fish. It was fun! Written by Oskar