Category: year6

Making Gingerbread Houses

Our design and technology project this term was edible houses. We began our topic by finding out about the history of gingerbread and how decorative houses came about. We then thought about our success criteria by researching other edible houses and deciding what we thought ours should include. Next was planning and designing: we sketched …

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During bikeability week we learnt how to ride our bikes safely on the road. We started on the school playground and we were taught how to do a bicycle safety check, and we had some time to work through each item on the checklist as a group. Once we had learnt how to check our …

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Joy of Reading

On 23rd October 2019 we went to the University of Hertfordshire, where we met an author called Christopher Edge. He presented to us and lots of other local schools about his books and what inspired him to write. Some of his most famous books include: The Many Worlds of Albie Bright; The Infinite Lives of …

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Bletchley Park

Year 6 visited Bletchley Park as part of our World War Two topic in history. We began the day by visiting their new exhibition Secrecy and Security – Keeping Safe Online. We had a chance to visit the huts where Alan Turin’s office is located, and had a go at the interactive displays. After lunch, …

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