Category: year6

Fairground Design and Technology

This term in Design and Technology, Class 6 have been working on creating a moving fairground ride. This has been a fun yet challenging project. Class 6 have used their knowledge of circuits which we revised last year and building structures to design and build their own ride. We were challenged to use a circuit, …

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Visit to Knebworth Park

Class 6 went to Knebworth House on Tuesday 11th June. We were taken on a tour of the house and found out so much about how the Tudors lived, including: what they wore; where they slept; what they ate and much more. We also found out how the family welcomed Queen Elizabeth I – the …

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Protest Art

This term, in art, Year 6 have been exploring the work of protest artists like: Luba Lukova, Kate de Ciccio and Faith Ringgold. We used their work to inspired our own mixed media piece which focused on something that was important to us. Some of the class chose issues about animal cruelty, fast food prices, …

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Kew Gardens

Linked to our work in geography (world biomes and climates) and Science (evolution and adaption) Year 6 took a trip to Kew Gardens in London.  Although it was a wet day, the children learnt so much about what it is like to be in different climates – most agreed that a tropical rainforest was too …

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Evolution with Dr Helen Waterhouse

We started off by doing an activity where we had to identify different fossils and write them down on a sheet. It was really cool that there were some real fossils that were hundreds of million years old and we were allowed to touch them. After this, we had our second activity and it was …

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Romeo and Juliet

To inspire our writing, Class 6 watched an amazing performance of Romeo and Juliet by the Young Shakespeare Company. The actors and actresses helped us understand the plot and some of the Shakespearean language. In our English lessons we have worked on developing the writing skills needed to write our own version of the tragic …

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Outdoor Adventurous Week

We loved outdoor and adventurous week – our last ever one at this school! We made clinometers out of protractors, straws and string. We used these to help us measure the height of different trees and taller objects around the school grounds. We had to make sure the string on the clinometer was at a …

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OAA Science

During OAA week we completed an investigation into paper aeroplanes. We thought about different questions we could investigate relating to paper planes, for example: Do larger planes fly further? Do heavier planes fly shorter distances? How does the size of the wings impact the distance the plane will fly? Each group designed their own investigation …

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Reading to their reading buddies

Class 6 had a lovely end to the week reading to their buddies. They enjoyed reading the books with lots of expression and trying to keep the receptions engaged in the story.

Components of the blood activity

Year 6 have been learning about the human circulatory system. Today, they used plasticine to create  a model of blood sample in a petri dish. They used white plasticine to create the two different types of white blood cells, red plasticine for the erythrocytes (red blood cells), coloured water for the blood plasma and small …

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